The actor’s early alter ego in the 1993 Lehar Pepsi ad had exuded a cool irreverence and a certain mystery. Her character Sanjana — who has nostalgic value now — had, even in that brief appearance in a white T-shirt and jeans, reflected the confidence of an emerging modern India and spawned several namesakes. However, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s 21st appearance at the Cannes Film Festival, while dominating feeds, also saw trolls liberally taking potshots at her shimmering hooded Sophia Couture gown and her other fashion choices. ANURADHA MAHINDRA, Founder-Editor, Verve, notes how the 49-year-old role model, who has resiliently borne the brunt of naysayers in recent years, continues to stand up to the never-ending onslaught of ageist and misogynistic challenges and considers how she can do more to inspire the generations to come… The post Ash Unplugged: Yeh Hi Hai Right Choice Baby, Aha! first appeared on Verve Magazine . from Verve Magazine